Commercial Gallery | Wall Shelving Ideas
Our wall mounted shelving systems have been used in a wide variety of commercial projects including offices, retailers, sports brands, clothing brands and Universities.

Break up those empty walls and create a focal point or backdrop to your office space. 3.4m shelving system with long seamless shelves and floating cabinets.

Designed to fit from wall to wall with integrated undershelf lighting. 3.4m in length with wall cabinets and white finish.

Coffee shop shelving – very strong and fixed to the wall through existing wall tiles

Retail shelving - 5 metre long white shelves with lighting display Forbos flooring products

Product displays – designed to display Forbos flooring products

Black wall mounted cabinets with shelving in Harvey Nichols London. Made to measure cabinets with either draws or fold down doors.

Undershelf lighting – low energy continuous lighting

Display shelves – The Ten Spot beauty bars franchise combines long white shelving and branded wall panels

Office shelving – 4.5 metre long white shelves with grey wall panels

Office shelving – 4.5 metre long shelves with grey wall panels

Wedgewood have used our shelving system to display different brands and products

De Beers London offices – Our shelves are made to measure and so fit exactly within this tight space

Standard 345 depth white shelves with under shelf lighting are fitted to our back wall rails